
nsc pants cache setup

Set up a remote cache for Pantsbuild.

Namespace provides high-performance remote caching with very low network latency between runners and the cache storage. This allows your Pantsbuild workflows to reuse build artifacts across runs, irrespective of your chosen granularity, significantly reducing build times. pants cache setup sets up a remote cache for Pantsbuild and generates a pants.toml to use it.

This is a preview feature. If you want to try remote caching for Pantsbuild, reach out to us and we can enable it for you.

Get in touch


nsc pants cache setup [--pants-toml <target pants toml path>]


The following example creates a remote cache and uses it during a Pantsbuild invocation.

$ nsc pants cache setup --pants-toml=/tmp/pants.toml

Next, let's use the generated configuration

$ pants --pants-config-files="['/your/own/pants.toml', '/tmp/pants.toml', ...]" test ::



If specified, write the toml to this path.