
Changelog β›³

Check what's new with Namespace.


New Actions base image: Ubuntu 24.04

Ubuntu 24.04 based runner images are now available through profiles and runner labels.

Create instances with Cache Volumes via CLI

You can now create instances with Cache Volumes through our nsc CLI. Check out a practical example where you run containers with cross-invocation caching.

Exposed reader role in UI

Reader roles allow you to grant readonly access to your workspace to other users. They can inspect instances, metrics and logs but cannot perform any mutating actions.

SAML-based SSO Login

Enterprise users can now use SSO login to access their Namespace workspace. Reach out at support@namespace.so if you'd like to have this enabled for your workspace.

Refreshed usage reports

We've refreshed the usage page to provide you with more detailed information across longer periods of time, including multiple dimensions.

Email invites for new workspace members

By providing a list of email addresses, you can now invite new workspace members in bulk.

Protect Cache Access per Job

When sharing your cache amongst multiple jobs, you can now select which job may update the cache. This can be useful when fighting cache pollution or when sharing your cache with untrusted jobs.

Workspace Access Control

You can now promote workspace members to admins to grant them full access to your workspace. Multiple members can have admin rights at the same time.

Drilldown in GitHub integration

The GitHub integration page now allows you to filter which jobs to display. You can select repositories, workflows and only failed jobs.

Reliable and fast Artifacts Storage

Namespace provides reliable and fast artifacts storage for GitHub Actions. And provides new upload and download actions 100% compatible with GitHub original versions.

Cache Docker Builds in GitHub Runners

Your GitHub Actions can now benefit from cross-invocation caching without relying on Remote Builders. Namespace configures the Runner's Docker context to cache builds with runner's Cache Volumes.

Event timeline per instance

Every instance now reports an event timeline allowing you to understand how much time is allocated by each phase.

macOS support released for preview

Support for macOS instances on Apple Silicon (M2) is released for preview. You can configure macOS GitHub runners on Apple Silicon using the profile editor.

Aggregate Cache Volume Usage

You can now check your cache volume usage over the last 45 days from the storage tab. It includes both your daily cache at rest use, as well as the total active-cache use and finally your cache hit ratio.

More robust Cache volumes

We've deployed a number of changes that have improved the user experience of using Cache Volumes. The biggest change being that we guarantee every run now has enough disk space to generate a complete cache. This addresses the biggest piece of feedback: not being in a situation where you run out of disk space before you've stored all of the requested cache size.

No more team seat limits

We've removed team seat limits from plans. It was an arbitrary limit which was preventing collaboration. Add as many team members to your workspace as you need. Feature billing follows a usage based model. Check our Pricing information for more.

Multiple Builders per Workspace

For users with high loads of concurrent Docker Builds, Namespace Workspaces can now have multiple Builder instances per architecture. This feature enables load balancing of build requests across available Builder instances, ensuring predictable performance and reliable builds. Reach out at support@namespace.so if you'd like to have this enabled for your Workspace.

Auto-growing caches

Automatically grow your cache volumes to have a minimum configurable amount of disk space at start. This helps you strike a balance between effective cache sizes, and ensuring that your workloads have enough disk space to do what they have to do.

Protected Branches for Cache Volumes

With Protected Branches, you can designate a set of branches as primary branches (e.g. your main branch would be a primary branch); only pushes to primary branches perform updates to the cache contents, protecting caches from being poisoned with changes that are part of PRs. With Protected Branches, your PRs still get up-to-date caching, which is cloned from the last cache commit.

Build cross references

Namespace now surfaces cross references between builds, CI runs, and instances. Easily and quickly navigate from a CI run to any builds it triggered to check their logs and traces, and vice-versa.

New Actions base image: Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 based runner images are now available through profiles and runner labels.

Start instances from private ECR images

Using workload federation with AWS, you can now create instances from private ECR images.

Bigger machines: instances with 512GB of RAM

You can now run instances with up to 512GB of memory. Reach out to support@namespace.so if you want to try it out.

Cache Action Modes

Select languages and frameworks to cache with nscloud-cache-action, or continue to cache any file you want.

Reserved concurrent capacity

With reserved capacity, Namespace guarantees your concurrent capacity is always available to you and provides an even higher level of isolation. Reach out to support@namespace.so to give it a spin.

Cache Volume lineage

Understand which volumes are attached to your instances. And hover a volume to reveal its lineage.

Storage utilization graphs per instance

You can now quickly check the storage utilization of an instance by visiting its summary page.

Custom Runner Images

Reduce GitHub Workflow time by creating your own custom runner image with pre-installed Ubuntu packages.

Cache Volumes are now in GA

Drastically speed up your workflows by caching arbitrary artifacts on local, high-performance storage.

Introduced Runner Profiles: Simpler GitHub Configuration

Simplify GitHub Runner configurations with Runner Profiles: Create custom profiles, assign labels, and configure caching, all with a single label reference in your GitHub workflows.

Homebrew Service for Remote Docker Builder

If you are a Homebrew user, you can now start our Namespace Remote Builder service to speed up your local Docker builds.

Long-lived sessions for nsc login

nsc now supports long-lived sessions, removing the need for daily logins.

Volume fullness surfaces in the Dashboard

You can now get a quick overview over the fullness of your Cache Volumes from the dashboard.

Cache Action emits utilization

nscloud-cache-action now informs you about the fullness of your Cache Volumes.

Build Trace Viewer is now in GA

Every Docker build handled by Namespace's Remote Builders gets its own trace view. You can intuitively debug why a particular build didn't perform as you expected.

Build errors now also surface in build logs

For quicker debugging, build errors are now also added to the logs view.

Caching for Git Repositories in GitHub Runners

You can speed up the checkout step of large repositories.

Introduced nsc volume commands

You can now list and release volumes used by your workspace from the CLI.

Introduced namespacelabs/nscloud-expose-kubernetes-action

Exposing a Kubernetes application for browser testing just became much simpler.

per-CPU utilization graphs

The instance summary now allows plotting CPU utilization per vCPU.

Ingresses are now listed in the instance dashboard

The instance dashboard now highlights with app is exposed with a public ingress and allows you to directly jump into the preview.

nsc: added a ingress generate-access-token command

Generate tokens and access your previews programmatically (e.g. for browser testing from CI).

namespacelabs/nscloud-cluster-action now outputs instance-id

You can now access the identifier of the Namespace instance hosting the created cluster programmatically within your GitHub workflows.

Utilization graphs per instance

You can now quickly check the CPU and Memory utilization of an instance by visiting the instance's summary page.

Significantly faster usage calculations

The workspace usage dashboard has been sped up drastically.

Simpler onboarding

Buildkite, GitHub and Federation integrations can now be modified by all users of a workspace.

Emit Namespace Runner Details in GitHub UI

Inside GitHub's Set up job step, you'll now find a summary of the runner being used.

nsc: added a top command

Quickly observe resource utilization by your application.
Limited Preview

Custom domain support for Namespace Previews

Namespace can now expose your previews on a domain of your choice - with TLS termination and automatic certificate management.

Simpler Git Checkouts with Buildkite

Integrated GitHub short-term credentials as a seamless checkout story that doesn't require SSH keys.

Usage Service API

Added a Usage Service API to our public Compute Service API. This allows you to query you usage data programatically.

GitHub Status integration

Namespace automatically checks GitHub's status and warns you when an outage may affect your runs.
Limited Preview

Namespace Secret Management

We've launched a limited preview of Secret Management with Namespace. Reach out tosupport@namespace.so to get enrolled and give it a spin.

Usage meters for included minutes

Map your current usage against what is included in your subscription.

Caching Docker images across GitHub Action invocations

Cache container image pulls (and unpacks, often the most expensive bit) across your GitHub Action invocations.

Instances with 32 vCPU and 128GB of RAM

You can now run instances with up to 32 vCPU and 128GB of memory. Reach out tosupport@namespace.so if you want to try it out.

Detailed Usage breakdown

You can now understand how your Namespace Compute usage is spread accross our various products.

Homebrew tap for nsc

You can use brew install namespacelabs/namespace/nsc to install our CLI.

Custom base images for Buildkit Agents

Provide Namespace with a custom base image to install additional tools or dependencies to run your Buildkite pipelines.

Cache Volume integration with Buildkite

Leverage our local, high-performance Cache Volumes to vastly speed up your CI runs.

Cache Volume integration with GitHub Runners

Significantly speed up your GitHub Action runs through Cache Volumes. Skip fetches from remote caches - your files are already available locally.

Introducing Cache Volumes

Cache volumes run on local, high-performance storage allowing them to vastly outperform remote caching solutions.

Custom shapes and architectures for Buildkite Agents

Shape your Buildkite Agents perfectly to your needs by selecting vCPU count, RAM size and architecture.

Automatic Kubernetes Previews

Namespace can automatically generate previews for your Kubernetes applications. Namespace’s ingress manager observes annotations on your services to expose previews automatically.

nsc: added a ingress list command

Quick access to all ingresses exposed by your application.

Custom localisation options for GitHub Runners

Instead of C.UTF-8, you can now switch your GitHub runners to use POSIX.

AWS Federation settings available in the Dashboard

You can now inspect your AWS Cognito federation configuration under Federation in the Dashboard.

Introducing Build Trace Viewer

Every Docker build handled by Namespace's Remote Builders now gets its own trace view. You can now more intuitively debug why a particular build didn't perform as you expected.

Initial Circle CI federation support

You can now call Namespace from your Circle CI workflows. For example, speed up your builds by relying on Namespace' Remote builders.

Remote builders: Larger default cache size

By default, Remote Builders now have 64GB of high-performance disk storage available for caching.

Labels can now be passed to new instances on creation

Labels are rendered in the Dashboard, and can be used to distinguish instances ("clusters") that have different purposes.

GitHub Actions Pricing Calculator: Check how much you'd save with Namespace-managed Runners

Check the different in spend based on number of minutes you spend in GitHub Actions.

Usage: builds now also surface in the accrued usage

In addition to compute unit minutes, builds are also available now under usage.

Builds: the summary now shows all active builders

Wondering if an arm64 builder is up and running as well? The summary page now shows all active builders per workspace.

32 vCPU instance shapes are now available

We've updated the maximum instance size from 16 vCPU to 32 vCPU for all your large parallel computation needs.

AWS: Introduced Workload Federation with AWS, both AWS to Namespace, and vice-versa

You can now seamlessly use your AWS resources from Namespace instances, and also create and manage Namespace resources from your AWS resources, by relying on Workload Identity Federation.

Notifications: you now receive a notification by email when a workspace hits its concurrency limits

Each instance you run concurrently, for example, by using GitHub Actions Runners, uses your concurrency limits. When these are hit, new instance are queued and not created immediately. Previously you'd have to monitor usage via the dashboard. But now you get notifications to your inbox when limits are hit. These notifications can be disabled as well.

nsc: added a workspace describe command

Useful when interacting with Namespace programatically, and you need to quickly check what is the id of your workspace.

Container failures now surface in the Dashboard

Errors of containers that fail are now surfaced automatically in the Dashboard, for quick debugging.

Review our Changelog Blog entries for updates prior to July 4th, 2023.