
nsc build

Build container images using Namespace Remote Builders.

build builds a container image using provided Dockerfile and a "context". A build's context is the set of files located in the specified PATH. The built image can be either pushed to the target image registry or loaded to the local docker registry.


nsc build PATH [-f <Dockerfile>] [-t <tag[,tag]>] [-n <name[,name]>] [--build-arg <arg[,arg]>] [--platform <platform[,platform]>] [--push] [--load]


The following builds an image with name app using docker file in the current directory (e.g. ./Dockerfile) and pushes it to the user's Workspace Container Registry (e.g. nscr.io/8enum0hp1l5ii).

$ nsc build . --name app --push
  Pushed for linux/amd64:

You can tag and push the container image to any Container Registry of your choice. For example, the following would push to GitHub Container Registry.

$ nsc build . --tag ghcr.io/apprepo/app --push
  Pushed for linux/amd64:

nsc uses your local Docker credentials provider, so in order to push images to container registries, you need to login with docker login.


-f <Dockerfile>

To specify a Dockerfile to build. By default PATH/Dockerfile is used.

-t <tag[,tag]>

Set the image name and optionally a tag (format: "name:tag"). This option can accept multiple values as an input separated by a comma.

-n <name[,name]>

Similarly to -t, it sets the image name and optionally a tag (format: "name:tag"). It automatically specifies the Workspace Registry repository as part of the tags (i.e. nscr.io/<workspace ID>). This option can accept multiple values as an input separated by a comma.

--build-arg <arg[,arg]>

This flag allows you to pass the build-time variables that are accessed like regular environment variables in the RUN instruction of the Dockerfile.

--platform <platform[,platform]>

Set the target platform for the build. The default value is the platform of the local host. The value takes the form of os/arch or os/arch/variant. For example, linux/amd64 or linux/arm/v7.

This option can accept multiple values as an input separated by a comma. With multiple values the result will be built for all of the specified platforms and joined together into a single manifest list.


Specify the option to push the build result to registry. nsc will push images for all the provided with -t or -n options tags.


Specify the option to automatically load the single-platform build result to the local docker registry. Note that --load doesn't support multi-platform image builds.


A secret to expose to the build. Format: id=ID[,src=FILEPATH][,env=VARIABLE]. See also build secrets usage.