
Changelog #008

A hot summer deserves hot changes!

We live and breath helping developer teams. If your developer workflow is slow and clunky, or your CI is rusty (no pun intended), try us out.
Get started — it takes less than a minute.

Things are moving fast at Namespace, and we constantly keep shipping features. We've added a live changelog allowing you to learn about new features as soon as they arrive. Here are some of the highlights from the last couple months:

Major updates

  • Our brand new Cache Volumes up the game on caching CI workflows: near-zero startup latency, cross-invocation Docker image caching, multi-writer support - pick three. Cache Volumes are natively integrated with GitHub Actions or Buildkite to vastly speed up your CI runs with a few simple steps.

  • Every Docker build handled by Namespace's Remote Builders now gets a Build Trace View. You can now more intuitively debug why a particular build didn't perform as expected.

  • You spoke, and we listened (we love to do that): We've updated the maximum instance size from 16 vCPU to 32 vCPU for all your large parallel computations. We have also introduced a public Business+ plan to accommodate higher needs and started a limited preview of high-memory instances (>64GB). Contact us to try it out.

  • Bidirectional Workload Federation with AWS: You can now seamlessly use your AWS resources from Namespace instances, and also create and manage Namespace resources from your AWS resources, by relying on Workload Identity Federation. Namespace federates with an ever-growing list of providers (AWS, GCP, GitHub, CircleCI).

  • We promised and delivered: You can now use our Compute API Service to create ephemeral instances, spin up previews, and run containers programmatically.

  • Namespace simplified:

    • Check how much money you'd save with Namespace-managed Runners based your current minutes spent in GitHub Actions.
    • Container failures now surface in the Dashboard: Errors of failing containers are now surfaced automatically in the dashboard for quick debugging.
    • Namespace can automatically generate previews for your Kubernetes applications. Namespace’s ingress manager observes annotations on your services to expose previews automatically.
    • Detailed Usage breakdown: You can now understand how your Namespace Compute usage develops over time and is spread across our various products.
    • Workspace Limit Notifications: Each plan includes a certain amount of compute minutes and limits on how much concurrent capacity can be scheduled. If you approach either of these limits, Namespace will automatically send a notification by email. You can turn off these notifications as well.

Coming Up

  • Kubecon Chicago: We are excited to join Kubecon 2023 US in Chicago from November 6-9. Come and talk with us at our booth! We would be thrilled to meet some of you in person.

  • Namespace Secrets: We've launched a limited preview of Secret Management with Namespace. Contact us to try it out.


It is just awesome to see our community growing and attracting more interest. Just some of the comments that users share with us:

It just fucking works. It's lightning-fast and solves all the hassles that I'd otherwise spend months building for at-scale builds.

Pure magic.

Our experience so far has been phenomenal.

We are saving >$3k compared to Google Cloud Build.

This is fantastic! Incredibly fast.

Woof, down to 3s from ~30s

Working with you

The summer months have been exciting.

You didn't hear much from us because we've been heads down working with you, our customers.

Whether it's working with you during your onboarding, helping you speed your individual tests and builds, and just making our infrastructure faster and more reliable.

We work closely with our customers, and most have a direct channel to the team. Reach out to learn more.
